Kids these Days have it way too easy...

So... Im 26 years old and I just bought my first XBox.  My first reaction - this is ridiculously amazing!  I put in the new Halo ODST, got onto XBox Live - and proceeded to have my ass handed to me over and over and over again.  Now mind you - iv been gaming (on computers - not much of a console gamer) since I was pretty young - so I thought maybe if i plugged in my headphones to talk a bit of smack I could get my game on.  

It was at around this time that I realized that everyone who was absolutely kicking my ass at Halo had squeaky voices that had yet to crack - and were probably all between the ages of 9 - 11.  Do you want to know what I played when i was 9?  I had an old Atari system.  When i got that game where you had to time a stick figure to jump from vine to vine (vines btw were glorified lines on the screen) - i thought it was the coolest thing in the world.  Prince of Persia - the ORIGINAL Prince of Persia that you bought on a 3.5 inch floppy disk?  I got my first copy when I was 11 - and it completely changed my WORLD!  It was probably the first game to really draw me to computers.

And now?  Kids kill each other over the internet on games like Bioshock - where you cant even tell when the cinematic scene is over because the actual gameplay graphics are JUST THAT GOOD.  You can buy a remote control helicopter in any shop for 10's of dollars (when i was a kid I would drool over the RC Helicopters at The Hobby Shop - starting price?  400 dollars without the actual remote control!)

I may be only 26 - but in this day and age with the rate that technology is advancing?  Im totally old enough to say that kids these days just have it way too easy...

I can only imagine the toys that my kids or even my grandchildren will be playing... I think its time for me to go show these 12 year olds how we did it in MY time... 

Posted via email from Salman S. Qadeer