Off to the Beautiful Desert Oasis of Siwa

Hey Guys!

So once again its that time of year - our annual trip to the desert oasis of Siwa.  This is something that I look forward to every year, and this year is going to be particularly special.  Iv taken a week off from work, and the plans are something along the lines of this:  ill be leaving Cairo sometime around 2am, driving directly from Cairo to Siwa (that can take anywhere from 10 - 12 hours depending on the road), spend a day in Siwa Town, and then head out to the desert for two nights of amazing camping in one of the most beautiful deserts in the world (imagine the softest sandy beach you have ever visited, and now imagine kilometers upon kilometers of that sand, underneath the most clear and crisp starry sky you have ever experienced).  On my way back ill be stopping by Marsa Matrouh to relax alongside the beach for the next 4 days, before coming back to Cairo with still a day or two days to spare before I come back to Cairo to launch my first major Arabic social application (keep your eyes here for more updates on that).

So dont expect any updates on this blog for about 10 days or so.  I will be absolutely revelling being completely disconnected from the world - no cell phones, no music, no internet for sure (though for the first few days I do expect some withdrawel symptoms to start showing along the lines of WHERES MY TWITTER!) lol.

Anyone interested in making the trip - please feel free to comment on this post - our desert guide is one of the best and has consecutively provided some of the best service I have ever recieved.  Would be happy to provide his contacts to anyone who needs them.

Should be back in Cairo around the 24th or the 25th of April - until then, salut!

PS - why is this post tagged with Productivity?  Because I plan on being heaps more productive when I get back - relaxation of mind body and soul is the most important thing when it comes to performing at the best of your game - always.